There isn’t a lot of trans representation in the books I’ve written so far. I always worried about getting it wrong. I wanted to have more conversations with trans friends, and also do my own research (like reading the truly wonderful graphic novel Gender Queer), before making my first attempt in the books. And now in the comics. My intent is to show trans people that I support them, and that the characters I create do too. Although what I would really like to see for all us queer folks is more stories that are written by own voices authors. Love, Simon, Brokeback Mountain, and Call Me By Your Name are all great books/movies, but they are also written by straight people. Just imagine how much more powerful and authentic they could have been if Hollywood and the big publishers allowed gay folks tell their own stories. For that reason, I’ll probably never try to write an entire novel about the trans experience. I’d rather step aside and make room for the people who truly need to be heard. But I do pledge to include more trans representation in the stories I write in the future, so that my queer cousins know they are very much welcome in the worlds I create. Big rainbow hugs to all of you!